A very important topic in accounting and finance especially for those working for a group of companies. This topic is discussed and explained according to the international financial reporting standards (IFRS)
Course Outline
Good to know
What consolidated financial statements are
Why we need to prepare consolidated financial statements
Companies that must prepare consolidated Financial Statements
When the parent is exempted from preparing consolidated financial statements
How investment in subsidiaries is measured in the separate financial statements
What the acquisition method is and when we use it
What the equity method is and when we use it
What is meant by control
What are the indicators of control
How do we deal with restricted control/temporary control ?
Non-controlling interest (NCI)
Measurement (using both proportional method and fair value method)
How to calculate consideration cost when consideration is:
Cash Only
Cash AND/OR Shares issued
Deferred Consideration
Contingent Consideration
What is goodwill
How is Goodwill calculated
When do we gross up goodwill
How to treat goodwill impairment
Consolidation Process
Consolidation adjustments (Goodwill, Non Controlling Interests, Consolidated Reserves)
Fair value adjustments for subsidiaries
Other Adjustments (Intragroup balances, unrealized profit, Inventory, sale of non-current assets, etc..)
Inta-group transactions and items (Intra group items, Interest, dividends, etc…)
Deferred Tax Treatment
Contingent Liabilities
Combined Financials
Eliminating entries
How to prepare
Consolidated Statement of Financial Position
Consolidated Statement of Other Comprehensive Income